About library

The library of Vilnius University, the shrine of science and art of Lithuania, is 10 years older than Alma Mater itself. In fact, it was the very source having enabled Lithuania to develop into a modern country. This could not have been achieved without a book that used to be and still is the greatest invention of mankind. Not accidentally the word 'library' is one of first international concepts mastered by Lithuanians and probably not accidentally no attempts have been made to give this word a national form. This concept has a shade of sacral meaning and dates back to the Hebrew language and the Old Testament. A library is similar to a church because of its silence and particular smell (no smell of cabbage soup from the school canteen is allowed here)…School libraries are becoming information and communication centers and even though they are not older than the schools themselves they can provide you not only with an old picture, document or periodical (which are considered to be traditional signs of history) but also with a historic improvisation for the future.

The history of Utena Adolfas Sapoka gymnasium is still encompassed in the memory of its school-leavers. Actually, the twenty-year-olds from Vyžuonų street can still recall catching carps and in springs observing the orgies of frogs in the muddy pond- in the same place where a civilized square of the gymnasium is now situated. However, now and again we feel sentimental about the things related to the prehistory of our school. There are few photos of the building process of the school and the videotape of September 1996 is lost where the opening ceremony, many people including a priest, the usual wooden key and symbolic ribbon were recorded. Probably just a rooster taken to school by Lauras and the stanzas of Homer murmured by teacher Stepas' boys testified that not an ordinary school was being born-no, was being created.

The most distinct and objective development of this school is reflected in the student works- not only pieces of art but also the ones regulated by theorems and formulas. Improvisation, rebellion and sincerity can be particularly felt in the pieces of work stored in the library- the sacred space suppressing anger and aggression, comforting your sole and providing hope. Paintings, drawings and miniatures reveal the spirits of the students. Most of them are no longer reading in school libraries. For example, Birutė has designed the school ex-libris- God's or maybe man's eye looking at the world tree or perhaps the tree from the picture of Juozas Juozaponis. Her ex-libris was chosen from 400 miniatures and approved by teacher Petronis. Mindaugas having mastered a paintbrush has won the competition 'Book against modern technologies'. Natalija being talented both at science and art has created the most expressive bookmark out of 542.

As well as computers situated in the library get on well with books, the visitors of the Silent reading room get on well with the visitors of the Information center. There is enough space for a first former looking Šepeta swamp up in the encyclopedia (the annual question of geography teacher Jonas), 'cyber boys' fighting for the Internet during the breaks, a young hopeful humanitarian looking for a 'thick, red book about the past', a fashionable third former hoping to borrow scissors for her broken nail… All of them contribute to the history of the gymnasium. All of them improvise life in the bookmarks, ex-librises, drawings, Silent reading room, Information center, margins of magazines and books (un)consciously leaving their sign. And twenty five years later having arrived at the class meeting they will be looking for their marks and feel happy to find them.